About Us

The Crossroads Economic Development Alliance is headed by a committee that was formed to explore a regional economic development partnership. It is comprised of the County of Minburn, Town of Vegreville, Village of Innisfree and Village of Mannville; supported by the Northwest Alberta Information HUB.

Crossroads is managing the 2023 Regional Economic Development Framework project, a Business Retention Expansion project, and has recently contracted a full time Regional Economic Development Consultant (EDC). If the regional economic development partnership managed by the EDC is deemed successful, Crossroads will:


a long-term operational strategy for 2025 and beyond


economic development services on a regional basis


business retention, expansion, and attraction


regional economic development through partnerships and advocacy


Kathy Dmytriw
Economic Development Consultant
Phone: (780) 632-1738

The Crossroads Economic Development Alliance is proudly supported by Alberta HUB