CEDA Completes Regional Survey to Drive Business Growth and Retention

From left to right: C.E.D.A. Economic Development Consultant Kathy Dmytriw, Budget Floors Owner/Operator Zenith Komarniski, Vegreville News Advertiser Reporter Rosanne Fortier, Country 106.5 Station Manager Jeff Dyck

Vegreville, AB (December 18, 2024) – The Crossroads Economic Development Alliance (CEDA) has successfully completed a comprehensive regional Business Retention and Expansion study, with the findings now set to play a pivotal role in shaping CEDA’s regional economic development framework.

The study featured three key components: an online survey for business owners and representatives, in- person business visits, and a community survey for residents of the County of Minburn, the Town of Vegreville, and the Villages of Innisfree and Mannville. Participation was robust, with 77 online surveys completed by business representatives, 106 face-to-face business visitations conducted, and 267 responses collected from the community survey.

”I’d like to thank all of the business owners and residents who took the time to complete these surveys. This valuable insight will guide our strategic priorities and projects as the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance charts a course of action for 2025 and beyond.” ___________

The survey data is currently being compiled into a comprehensive report, which will be presented to the CEDA board in early 2025. Shortly thereafter, the report will be made publicly available at crossroadsdevelopment.ca.


BACKGROUND: The Crossroads Economic Development Alliance is a regional economic development partnership involving the County of Minburn, the Town of Vegreville, and the Villages of Innisfree and Mannville. Established in 2024 through a successful joint application for the Alberta Communities Partnership Grant, CEDA is guided by one elected official from each participating municipality and Bob Bezpalko, Executive Director of Alberta HUB. Learn more about CEDA at crossroadsdevelopment.ca.


Kathy Dmytriw
Crossroads Economic Development Alliance
(780) 632-1738