Crossroads Economic Development Alliance Launches

County of Minburn, Town of Vegreville, Village of Innisfree, and Village of Manville partner in a collaborative approach to regional economic development.


Vegreville, AB (2024)

After months of collaborative effort and strategic planning, the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance is set to launch publicly, marking a significant milestone in the pursuit of regional economic prosperity.
The inception of this committee stems from the successful joint application by the County of Minburn, the Village of Innisfree, the Village of Mannville, and the Town of Vegreville for the Alberta Communities Partnership Grant. Valued at $187,000, this grant provided the necessary funding for the development of a comprehensive Regional Economic Development Framework conducted by Outlook Market Research and the hiring of a Regional Economic Development Consultant.
In January of 2024, the committee – which is comprised of one elected official from each of the involved municipalities as well as Executive Director of Alberta HUB Bob Bezpalko – elected to have Outlook Market Research hire Kathy Dmytriw as the Regional Economic Development Consultant. Dmytriw brings a wealth of business experience and understanding to the role having previously worked as a Program Facilitator with Community Futures Elk Island Region as well as having served as the President of the Vegreville & District Chamber of Commerce.

“I’m tremendously excited to get to work on behalf of the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance and the businesses in Vegreville, Innisfree, Mannville, and the County of Minburn. I’ve already had the opportunity to meet with several business owners and will continue to meet with several more in the coming weeks to get their perspective on what can be done to increase business sustainability and economic growth within our region.

I’m tremendously excited to get to work on behalf of the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance and the businesses in Vegreville, Innisfree, Mannville, and the County of Minburn. I’ve already had the opportunity to meet with several business owners and will continue to meet with several more in the coming weeks to get their perspective on what can be done to increase business sustainability and economic growth within our region.

One of the main objectives for the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance in 2024 is the completion of an extensive Business Retention Expansion Study. This study will see the continuation of business visits conducted by Dmytriw along with the launch of an online survey intended to generate feedback from business owners within the region.

“We’re sincerely hoping local businesses take a few moments to complete this survey as it's an opportunity to offer feedback and opinions about owning and operating a business within their respective municipality. The survey’s results will be presented to not only the elected representatives on the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance committee but also to the Councils of each of the represented communities and in turn may be used as a tool in the decision-making process when it comes to business sustainability and economic growth in the months and years ahead.

Crossroads Economic Development Alliance’s Business Retention Expansion survey can be taken here:
All business owners / representatives who take the survey will be entered into a draw for a Business Promotion Package valued at nearly $4,000. The package includes a $3,160 advertising campaign in the Vegreville News Advertiser and a $525 advertising campaign on Country 106.5 as well as an IT Systems and Security Services package from VM Systems valued at $250.
More information regarding the Crossroads Economic Development Alliance, the Business Retention Expansion survey, and the prize draw can be found at


Kathy Dmytriw
(780) 632-1738